The majority of free proofreading courses will assume prior knowledge of correct grammatical constructions, punctuation and spelling for the language in which you hope to work, but the most useful courses will also review these topics and provide practical instruction in successfully recognising and efficiently correcting authorial mistakes and inconsistencies in these areas.
Although not all proofreading jobs will require expert knowledge of referencing techniques, the best free proofreading courses will provide training in the most common documentation styles used in scholarly writing, such as the somewhat challenging citation style recommended in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The importance of following publishers’ guidelines with precision should also be emphasised. Excellent proofreading courses will, for instance, introduce students to the concept and use of different styles, such as that presented in the Chicago Manual of Style – a manual used by authors of many different kinds of text. If a proofreading course does not include instruction in most of these matters, it will not be as useful as a course that does. While you are conducting this initial research, it is wise to watch out for several key topics and categories of information in the course descriptions and outlines that you read.

Before you invest your hard-earned cash in proofreading courses, it is therefore essential to carry out a little research into exactly what the various courses that you are considering promise to teach you.
Unfortunately, the many different educational opportunities referred to as ‘proofreading courses’ vary as much in content and quality as the texts that professional proofreaders encounter on a daily basis. The training and experience required to carry out such jobs well are frequently lacking, however, even for the most enthusiastic and confident applicants, so proofreading courses are often a practical necessity for proofreaders who are starting their career. There is certainly a wide variety of proofreading jobs available in the current publishing climate and a correspondingly wide variety of individuals who would like to fill those positions.