Excel combine text from two cells with space
Excel combine text from two cells with space

excel combine text from two cells with space

The following steps will show you how to CONCATENATE two columns in Google Sheets.

excel combine text from two cells with space

These may also be referred to as CONCATENATE data strings. In the following example, I want to use the CONCATENATE function to combine the text within the ‘First name’ and ‘Last name’ columns together, in order to have a single column named ‘Full name’. delimiter: any text you wish to add between the cell text (surrounded by quotation marks) - you can also leave these empty to create spaces, as you will see further into this article.data_string: reference to a cell (e.g.How to use CONCATENATE in Google Sheets?įirst, let’s take a look at the syntax for the CONCATENATE function in Google Sheets: =CONCATENATE(data_string_1, “delimiter”,data_string_2, “delimiter”.)

excel combine text from two cells with space

You’ll learn how to use CONCATENATE to combine two entire columns, how to CONCATENATE cells with spaces, commas, and separators, how to combine the CONCATENATE function with the IF formula, and finally, alternatives to the CONCATENATE function. In this article, you’ll learn how to use CONCATENATE in Google Sheets, and provide a variety of examples both for how to use the function in different ways to achieve different results. Combining texts within different cells can help to organize your spreadsheets more clearly, not only reducing the number of columns within your sheets but also allowing you to identify or manage your data more easily. One of the most common examples, when the CONCATENATE function is used, is when you need to merge the two columns containing first names and last names into a single column. This allows you to combine text within multiple cells together. The CONCATENATE function in Google Sheets is used to merge multiple data strings into one.

Excel combine text from two cells with space