Reallusion iclone image effects
Reallusion iclone image effects

reallusion iclone image effects

Realistic visual effects can be achieved by using animated image sprites, or transforming them during their lifetime. The visual illusion is caused by the refraction of normal images. This Distortion Emitter generates transparent particles to simulate water, heat or ripples. It is widely used for casting magic spells, simulating a swimming school of fish, wiggling snakes or hovering insects. This Ribbon Emitter connects particles or sprites into a seamless stripe to create swirling, twirling or trailing animations in 3D space.


Users can sequentially display multiple lines of text for TV subtitle effects. The Text Tools are designed for creating text animations like: Titling, Teleprompting, and Scrolling Descriptions, or to work as Text Labeling in any 3D stage. It is frequently used to create effects like fog, rain, smoke, bubbles, fire and explosions. The classic Texture Tool emits image billboards, which can either be selected from a sprite sheet or from a single image.

reallusion iclone image effects

Giving higher visual realism, full-calibre physics capabilities and perfect collision simulations.

reallusion iclone image effects

The Mesh Emitter Tool can spit out 3D meshes with up to 4 meshes as a particle source. These tools are integrated with iClone physics, global illumination and self-cast shadows, as well as textures, sprites, and mesh import for maximum flexibility. Each of the 5 Super Tools are dedicated to one specific emitter type with all the crucial attributes, blend modes, and abilities to replace a custom mesh along with sound or sprite resources in order generate unique visual effects.


To make professional VFX generation easy to master without coding, Reallusion has made a special investment to design five exclusive Emitter Tools. Super PopcornFX Tools – Five essential particle builders for iClone With the success of PopcornFX runtime integration, native PopcornFX projects can be directly imported into iClone, allowing professional designers to fully utilize this powerful script-based editor to create any possible particle behaviors, while exposing necessary control attributes back to iClone. Additionally, we have produced a substantial amount of learning samples and training materials to get anyone started with this amazing technology.” – Charles Chen / Reallusion CEO PopcornFX Editor – Design your own particles Reallusion has dedicated lots of effort to building five VFX Tools that allow users to create custom particle effects without the need to write a single line of code. Now iClone users can design brand new VFX using the powerful PopcornFX Editor. “The integrated result of iClone and PopcornFX is phenomenal due to the invaluable teamwork with Persistant Studios. More than just a plugin, Reallusion and Persistant Studios collaborated closely for the PopcornFX engine integration with iClone’s lighting, physics, PBR materials and timeline animation systems making a joint effort for this dedicated realtime 3D animation and VFX solution. PopcornFX Plug-in for iClone Must-have component for particle creation and customization projects iClone PopcornFX Particle Effects demo video:


It is used in a wide variety of game productions, targeted platforms, game engines (Unity, Unreal, in-house), realtime applications, and on-set previsualization with full body tracking and realtime effects. PopcornFX is the realtime particle effects solution for games, films, AR/VR/MR and live shows. The close collaboration between the two teams was a continuous effort over the past few months and we’re all pleased iClone users can now enjoy the features and contents offered by the PopcornFX editor.” – Maxime Dumas / CTO PopcornFX / Persistant Studios “The whole team at PopcornFX has been really impressed by the work put in by Reallusion to integrate PopcornFX within iClone 7, with a dazzling end result. IClone and PopcornFX take VFX beyond the game engine and natively into a 3D application The all new VFX core enabled by PopcornFX and iClone, levels the playing field for indies and studios of all sizes to equip their projects with exceptional VFX with in-depth training and affordability for any size budget. Users of iClone will now have access to VFX creation without the need to build everything from scratch, yet still have full control of style and performance for their effects. PopcornFX, the multi-platform & cross-engine realtime particle effects industry leader for complex visual effects will now offer a fully-integrated, realtime VFX platform for every creator inside iClone. Reallusion iClone and Persistant Studios / PopcornFX release a next-level VFX plugin for production of realtime 3D particle effects equipped with specialized libraries and super-tools for customization.

Reallusion iclone image effects